Lurnea High School is a comprehensive, co-educational secondary school in the city of Liverpool. 78% of students identify as having a language background other than English (LBOTE) and 4% identify as Aboriginal background. The school's motto "Together we Achieve" highlights the way staff, students, parents and the wider community work in partnership for improved educational outcomes and life opportunities for all students. The school is inclusive of all learners and our activities are underpinned by strong shared values of respect, responsibility, fairness, tolerance and understanding. Additional features of the school include the Support Unit for students with mild, moderate and autism intellectual delays and an Intensive English Centre (IEC) for newly arrived migrant and refugee learners.
The school aims to support its young people to be confident, creative participants in the academic, sporting, cultural, and creative learning experiences provided and to be resilient, optimistic citizens and positive contributors to the world beyond the school gates!