The Lurnea High School's English / History Faculty is a dynamic and committed collective, committed to delivering valuable and engaging lessons to all levels of need. As a faculty, we possess both experience and expertise in both curriculum content and classroom management. Our teaching units integrate strategies to improve the Literacy and Numeracy skills of our students. Students are also provided with the opportunity to participate in Public Speaking and Debating Competitions. Furthermore, we endeavour to maintain productive learning environments which, in turn, enhance our students' progress as well as encourage them to be safe, respectful learners at Lurnea High School.
Subjects offered include:
Stage 4- Year 7 & 8 English & ESL, Year 7 History, 8-up History
Stage 5- Year 9 & 10 English & ESL, History, Elective History
Stage 6- Year 11 & 12 English (Advanced, Standard, ESL, Extension), Ancient & Modern History, Society & Culture
Year 7
Students are engaged through the study of various texts composed in a variety of text types. Students study the units of Monsters, Myths and Legends, Australian Poetry, Public Speaking, Novel Study, Animated Film and Drama. An intensive preparation for NAPLAN is also completed prior to national testing.
Year 8
Students will study and explore the units of Celebrity and Advertising, Film Study: The Hero's Journey, Public Speaking, Australian Novel Study and Thematic Drama.
Year 9
Students study and explore the units of Media: Newspapers, Novel, Public Speaking, Area of Study: The ‘Underdog', Picture Books and Drama. An intensive preparation for NAPLAN is also completed prior to national testing. Students complete assessments based on the skills of reading, writing, speaking, viewing and representing.
Year 10
Students study and explore the units of Area of Study: Cultural Prejudice, Narrative Writing: Genre Specific, Film Study: Conformity and the Individual and Shakespeare: Drama Study. All tasks are designed to reflect School Certificate- style assessment. Furthermore, students will undertake valuable preparation for their School Certificate Exam.
Stage 6 English
English (Advanced) is designed for students to undertake the challenge of higher-order thinking to enhance their personal, social and vocational lives. These students apply critical and creative skills in their composition of and response to texts in order to develop their academic achievement through understanding the nature and function of complex texts. For their HSC, advanced English students must complete the area of Study which involves them investigating the concept of belonging in a variety of texts. They also must compose and respond to other types of texts through their three modules. The texts for study must be in the form of each of the following: Fiction, Poetry, Drama or Film, Shakespeare and a Non Fiction text.
English (Standard): Students learn to respond to and compose a wide variety of texts in a range of situations in order to be effective, creative and confident communicators. For their HSC, students undertake an Area of Study that requires them to investigate the concept of belonging through a variety of texts. They also study three Modules that require them to engage with and compose and respond to texts in various analytical and creative ways.
English (Extension) is designed for students undertaking English (Advanced) who choose to study at a more intensive level in diverse but specific areas. They enjoy engaging with complex levels of conceptualisation and seek the opportunity to work in increasingly independent ways.For their HSC students undertake an extensive investigation in to the genre of Crime Fiction. They must demonstrate their understanding of the conventions and subversions of the genre and how it has changed and evolved over time. Furthermore, students must compose creative texts of their own to demonstrate their understanding of the genre.
Facilities and Resources for English as a Second Language Students
English as a Second Language (ESL) is designed for students from diverse non-English-speaking, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Island backgrounds as designated by the course entry requirements. The students engage in a variety of language learning experiences to develop and consolidate their use, understanding and appreciation of English, so as to enhance their personal, social and vocational lives. For their HSC students must complete an Area of Study where they investigate the concept of belonging in a variety of texts. They also compose and respond to many other texts through their senior study.
The ESL support within our school includes:
ESL Teachers
We have three ESL teachers in the mainstream high school who support ESL students across a range of subjects. The ESL teachers support the ESL students in the classroom whilst working with mainstream subject teachers, in the Homework Centre, in the Refugee Transition Program and in the Refugee Action Support Project tutorial program.
Parallel English (ESL) Classes
ESL students who are in Year 8, 9 and 10 are placed in parallel English classes with other ESL students. These classes are generally smaller than other English classes to allow for students to receive more individual attention.
Team Taught and Supported Classes
The ESL teachers work with the classroom teachers across a range of subjects to assist ESL students in Year 7 to Year 12 in the classroom.
English (ESL) Preliminary and HSC Courses
At Lurnea High School we offer English (ESL) Preliminary and HSC courses that are team taught by experienced English and ESL teachers.
Year 7
Students will explore the nature of history, how historians investigate the past and the importance of conserving our heritage. Aspects of the ancient and medieval world are studied, including origins and daily life of the ancient world and beliefs and values of medieval societies. The nature of colonisation and contact history is also examined.The topics include: What is History?, Ancient Egypt, Medieval Europe, and Contact and Colonisation – The Aboriginal Experience.
Up-Coming Events: The Medieval Topic includes a Medieval Day. Students and Staff dress in theme, participate in games, and design presentations. They will also enjoy a hands-on Medieval Experience where they can see and touch real weapons, armour, torture devices as well as watch real life Medieval combats! A great day.
Year 8
Students do not automatically study History in Year 8 as they study Geography instead. Students who are interested in History can elect to choose Elective History as part of the 8-Up program. Students who choose Elective History will participate in a exciting program of varied topic choice. This program is often modified so as to cater for the interests of the students themselves. This is always a popular choice for the History enthusiast.
Year 9 and 10
History is a mandatory subject in both Year 9 and 10. As such it is formally examined as part of the School Certificate. The Course content is set by the Board of Studies and focuses upon Australian History. The course looks at the significant developments in Australia's social, political and cultural history, including Federation, World War I, 1920s, The Great Depression, World War II, the Vietnam War and our international relations with other nations. Another significant focus is the changing rights and freedoms of Aboriginal peoples and other groups in Australia.
Senior History and Humanities
Ancient History
This interesting and engaging course is Board of Studies approved and is examined at the HSC level. The course offers many choices for students and teachers. All students in NSW must participate in the Core Topic: Cities of Vesuvius – Pompeii and Herculaneum but will study one option for each of the other three sections.
Modern History
This exciting course is Board of Studies approved and is examined at the HSC level. The course offers many choices for students and teachers. All students in NSW must participate in the Core Topic: World War I: 1914-1919 – A source-based inquiry but will study one option for each of the other three sections.
Society and Culture
The aim of this unique and challenging course is to develop a student's knowledge, understanding, skills, values and attitudes essential to achieving social and cultural literacy by examining the interactions between persons, societies, cultures and environments across time. Students investigate such topics and concepts as Popular Culture and Nature v. Nuture, as well as, completing a Personal Independent Project for the HSC.