Mathematics and Computer Studies
The Mathematics and Computer Faculties at Lurnea High provides students with a learning environment which nurtures individual problem-solving skills as well as teaching traditional mathematical skills. We encourage students to demonstrate initiative and share their thoughts, experiences and understanding of mathematics wider than the classroom. Studying mathematics provides students with skills to learn to describe, reason, predict, calculate, estimate, measure, interpret and communicate information presented in a numerical, symbolic, geometrical, graphical, statistical, and algebraic form. There is a strong focus of integrating technology into our everyday learning environment.
Subjects offered include:
- Stage 4 - Year 7 & 8 Mathematics
- Stage 5 - Year 9 & 10 Mathematics Stage 5.3, Stage 5.2 and Stage 5.1
- Stage 5 - Year 9 & 10 Information Software and Technologies
- Stage 6 - Year 11 2 Unit General Mathematics, 2 Unit Mathematics and Extension 1 Mathematics. Year 12 2 Unit General Mathematics 1 Non ATAR Course, 2 Unit General Mathematics 2 ATAR course, 2 Unit Mathematics and Extension 1 Mathematics
- Stage 6 - Information Processes and Technologies and VET Information and Digital Technologies
Stage 4 (Years 7-8) and Stage 5 (Years 9-10)
Mathematics is a compulsory subject for all students in Years 7- 10. Students cover the following five content strands and one process strand in their studies: Number, Patterns and Algebra, Measurement, Space and Geometry, Data and Working Mathematically (process strand which is embedded into the five content strands).
Students in Years 7, 8, 9 and 10 are graded into their course based on their ability. Students in 9M1 and 10M1 have strong ability and interest in Mathematics and study the more challenging Stage 5.3 content ( this includes harder 5.1/5.2 content and additional topics). These students are extended and by the end of year 10 have a solid background to study the higher Stage 6 courses in Years 11 and 12. The remaining Years 9 and 10 Mathematics classes study Stage 5.1/5.2 content. Students experience a variety of mathematical learning experiences in all strands and their mathematical skills and confidence are further developed, giving them a strong foundation for further study in Years 11 and 12 and the workforce.
Stage 6 (Years 11-12)
Mathematics is not compulsory in Years 11 and 12 but the large majority of senior students choose to study one of the following courses:
- General Mathematics 1: This course builds on Stage 5.1/5.2 content. It focuses on the development of mathematical skills and techniques that have a direct application to everyday activity. It is a non ATAR course.
- General Mathematics: This course builds on Stage 5.1/5.2 content. It focuses on the development of mathematical skills and techniques that have a direct application to everyday activity. It provides a strong foundation for the workforce, further training and for university courses that do not focus on Mathematics.
- Mathematics (2 unit): This course builds on Stage 5.3 content. It is designed for students with strong ability and interest in Mathematics. It provides a strong foundation for courses requiring further study of Mathematics at the tertiary level.
- Extension 1 Mathematics: This is a challenging 3 unit course designed for students with excellent Mathematical ability, who have excelled in Stage 5 Mathematics.
- VET Information and Digital Technologies:is a VET course that enables students to develop knowledge, understanding, confidence and creativity in analysing, designing, developing and evaluating information and software technology solutions. During the course students will complete a minimum of four projects focusing on developing solutions to real world problems. The projects integrate practical aspects and core and option topics including Internet and web site development, artificial intelligence, multimedia, automated systems, digital media, database design, networking, software design, hardware, social and ethical issues and emerging technologies. The students will work collaboratively to analyse, design, test, document, implement and evaluate information and software technology-based solutions.
- Information, Processes and Technology: The Information Processes and Technology course, teaches students about information-based systems. It covers the processes of collecting, organising, analysing, storing and retrieving, processing, transmitting and receiving, and displaying, as well as the technologies that support them. With this background, students will be well placed to adapt to new technologies as they emerge.
- Information Processes and Technology is designed to enable students to become confident, competent, discriminating and ethical users of information technologies, to possess an understanding of information processes and to appreciate the effect of information systems on society.