Social Science + LoTE (Languages Other Than English)
Lurnea High's Social Science and LoTE Faculty is a vibrant and enthusiastic group of educators whose skills and experiences cater for the variety of needs present in our classes. We provide a wide variety of expertise in Geography, Commerce, Business Studies, Legal Studies, Agriculture, Japanese and Italian.
The faculty is also involved in numerous other extra-curricular endeavours including running the Student Leadership Team, basketball coaching, rugby league coaching, and Manga (Japanese) club. We are conscious of our responsibility to help educate fair, respectful, tolerant, responsible, and understanding learners, and will work hard to assist your child's progress at Lurnea High School.
Subjects offered include:
Stage 4 mandatory – Year 7 Geography, 8 Geography, 8 LoTE
Stage 5 mandatory – Year 9 Geography, 10 Geography,
Stage 5 electives – Commerce, Agriculture, Japanese
Stage 6 electives – Business Studies, Legal Studies, Senior Geography
Geography – Stage 4
Students describe geographical processes that influence the features and characteristics of places and environments across a range of scales. They describe how places are perceived and valued differently and explain interconnections within environments and between people, places and environments. Students investigate environmental change and differences in human wellbeing and discuss strategies for addressing geographical challenges, taking into account environmental, economic and social factors.
Geography – Stage 5
Students explain geographical processes that change features and characteristics of places and environments over time and across scales and explain the likely consequences of these changes. They analyse interconnections between people, places and environments and propose explanations for distributions, patterns and spatial variations over time and across scales. Students compare changing environments, analyse global differences in human wellbeing, explore alternative views to geographical challenges and assess strategies to address challenges using environmental, social and economic criteria.
LoTe – Stage 4
Students interact with others in Italian to exchange information and ideas on topics of interest, and engage in collaborative tasks and activities that involve making plans and arrangements. They identify main ideas and specific information in a range of spoken, written and digital texts, and respond in Italian or English to information and ideas, in a range of formats for specific audiences. They compose informative and imaginative texts for different audiences, using a range of linguistic structures with the support of stimulus materials and modelled language, and create bilingual texts and learning resources for the classroom.
Commerce – Stage 5
Students demonstrate knowledge and understanding of consumer, financial, economic, business, legal, political and employment matters. They analyse the rights and responsibilities of individuals in a range of contexts, and the role of law in society. Students develop skills in decision-making and problem-solving, related to a range of issues, and apply skills to construct plans designed to achieve a range of goals.
Students appreciate the importance of ethical and socially responsible behaviour, and fundamental rights, rules and laws that promote fairness, justice and equity in society.
Agriculture – Stage 5
Students demonstrate a detailed understanding of the diverse and dynamic nature of Australian agriculture. Students analyse the management of agricultural enterprises and the marketing of a range of products. They use a variety of techniques and associated technologies in the demonstration of workplace practices associated with agricultural enterprises and recognise the impact of current and emerging technologies on local and global environments. Students make considered decisions and responsible judgements on the use of sustainable and ethical management practices.
Students identify hazards and apply risk management strategies when using chemicals, tools and agricultural machinery, when handling animals and undertaking animal and plant husbandry procedures.
Japanese – Stage 5
Students manipulate Japanese in sustained interactions with others to exchange information, ideas and opinions. They participate in a range of collaborative tasks, activities and experiences that involve making plans, negotiating and solving problems. They identify and interpret information from a range of written, spoken, visual or multimodal texts, and evaluate and respond in English or Japanese to information, opinions and ideas, using a range of formats for specific contexts, purposes and audiences. They compose informative and imaginative texts to express ideas, attitudes and values, experimenting with linguistic patterns and structures, and using different formats for a variety of contexts, purposes and audiences. They create a range of bilingual texts and resources for the school and wider community.
Business Studies – Stage 6
Business Studies encompasses the theoretical and practical aspects of business in contexts which students will encounter throughout their lives. Conceptually, it offers learning from the planning of a small business to the management of operations, marketing, finance and human resources in large businesses. Through the analysis of contemporary business strategies the course also provides rigour and depth and lays an excellent foundation for students either in tertiary study or in future employment.
Contemporary business issues and case studies are embedded in the course to provide a stimulating and relevant framework for students to apply to problems encountered in the business environment. Students also investigate business planning and use a range of information to assess and evaluate business performance. The role of incentives, personal motivation and entrepreneurship, especially in small business, is recognised as a powerful influence in business success.
Business Studies fosters intellectual, social and moral development by assisting students to think critically about the role of business and its ethical responsibilities to society. In addition, a significant feature of Business Studies is its relevance to the full range of HSC students, as it provides useful knowledge and competencies for life.
Legal Studies – Stage 6
Legal Studies focuses on the way in which law is generated, how it is structured and how it operates in Australian and international contexts. Learning about our legal system will allow students to investigate the way our society operates and the influences that shape it.
Students will develop an understanding of the implications that legal decisions can have for Australian society and the ways in which the legal system can affect the lives of Australian citizens. A critical understanding of the processes of reform and change will help students to contribute to making our society more equitable for all.
The Legal Studies course also provides learning that prepares students for further education and training, employment and full and active participation as citizens in Australia and in the global society. Students gain the skills of critical analysis, independent research, collaboration, and effective communication.
Senior Geography – Stage 6
Geography is an investigation of the environment which includes the ‘total surroundings’. It includes biophysical interactions as well as people in their cultural, social, political and economic contexts. Geographers explore the spatial dimensions of environments examining linkages, flows, associations and patterns. Perceptions of the environment are also influenced by personal experience and information gained from the media and other information technology. These perceptions influence the way people interact with their surroundings affecting our use of resources, environmental management and our attitudes towards sustainability.
Studies in both physical and human geography provide an important information base on which students investigate contemporary geographical issues to explore why spatial and ecological differences exist, the importance of effective management and how they may take an active role in shaping future society. Clarifying, analysing, acquiring and judging values and attitudes allows students to respond to geographical issues, questions and problems. Studying Geography Stage 6 prepares students for post-school studies and future employment, and for active participation as informed citizens.
V.E.T (Vocational Education and Training)
Vocational Education and Training (VET) courses are offered as part of the Higher School Certificate (HSC) or Record of School Achievement (RoSA). VET courses are designed to deliver workplace-specific skills and knowledge and cover a wide range of careers and industries.
VET courses allow students to gain both HSC or RoSA qualifications and a national qualification or a statement of attainment recognised throughout Australia as part of the Australian Qualification Framework (AQF). These qualifications are widely recognised by industry, employers and tertiary training providers and universities and will assist students to progress to various education and training sectors and employment.
Subjects offered include:
Stage 5 electives – IDT (Information, Digital Media and Technology), Retail, Business Services
Stage 6 electives – IDT (Information and Digital Technology), Retail, Business Services, Sports Coaching, Entertainment Industry (from 2022).
IDT – Stage 5
IDT provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in a wide range of general information and communications technology (ICT) technical functions and to achieve a degree of self-sufficiency as an advanced ICT user.
At the successful completion of the course students will qualify for a Certificate I in Information, Digital Media and Technology
Retail – Stage 5
Within Retail students are able to perform roles such as:
Providing product and service advice in a retail store
Selling products and services in a variety of retail settings
Organising and maintaining work areas, merchandising and building displays
At the successful completion of the course students will qualify for a Certificate I in Retail Services
Business Services – Stage 5
Business Services reflects the role of individuals in a variety of junior administrative positions who perform a range of mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge in a defined context. Individuals in these roles generally work under direct supervision.
The course will also assist students to develop higher level skills in the following areas:
Teamwork in a business environment
Problem solving
At the successful completion of the course students will qualify for a Certificate I in Business
IDT – Stage 6
IDT provides the skills and knowledge for an individual to be competent in a wide range of general information and communications technology (ICT) technical functions and to achieve a degree of self-sufficiency as an advanced ICT user.
Persons working at this level will support information technology activities in the workplace across a wide range of ICT areas, including technical support, network administration, web technologies, software applications and digital media technologies.
Possible job titles relevant to this qualification include:
Help desk officer
Help desk assistant
ICT operations support
ICT user support
PC support
Technical support
Students are also required to complete 70 hours of workplacement over years 11 and 12 to prepare them for employment.
At the successful completion of the course students will qualify for a Certificate III in Information, Digital Media and Technology
Retail – Stage 6
In Retail students are able to perform roles such as:
Providing product and service advice in a retail store
Selling products and services in a variety of retail settings
Operating a checkout area
Preparing and selling fast food items
Checking stock, rotate and replenish retail shelves
Organising and maintaining work areas, merchandising and building displays
Individuals with this qualification are able to perform roles, such as:
provide product and service advice in a retail store
sell products and services in a variety of retail settings
work as a checkout operator
check stock and replenish shelves
organise and maintain work areas and displays.
Students are also required to complete 70 hours of workplacement over years 11 and 12 to prepare them for employment.
At the successful completion of the course students will qualify for a Certificate III in Retail
Business Services – Stage 6
Business Services reflects the role of individuals in a variety of junior administrative positions who perform a range of mainly routine tasks using limited practical skills and fundamental operational knowledge in a defined context. Individuals in these roles generally work under direct supervision.
It will also assist students to develop higher level skills in the following areas:
Teamwork in a business environment
Problem solving
Innovation and enterprise
Planning and organising (prioritising)
Deliver customer service
Individuals with this qualification are able to perform roles, such as:
Administration Assistant
Clerical Worker
Data Entry Operator
Information Desk Clerk
Office Junior
Students are also required to complete 70 hours of workplacement over years 11 and 12 to prepare them for employment.
At the successful completion of the course students will qualify for a Certificate II in Business (Certificate III in Business from 2022).
Sports Coaching – Stage 6
Sports Coaching reflects the role of individuals who apply the skills and knowledge to be competent in delivering a basic instruction session for a sport. Work may be undertaken as part of a team and would be performed under supervision or independently in a structured environment such as a sporting club or school. Individuals wishing to undertake this qualification should be current or past participants in the respective sport specialisation chosen as part of this qualification. This qualification is accredited for the HSC and provides students with the opportunity to obtain nationally recognised vocational qualifications.
Skills gained in this industry transfer to other occupations. Working in the sport industry involves:
following occupation and safety policies
providing first aid
following occupation and safety policies
providing first aid
dealing with client feedback
organising and completing daily tasks
teaching basic sports skills
Students are also required to complete 70 hours of workplacement over years 11 and 12 to prepare them for employment.
At the successful completion of the course students will qualify for a Certificate III in Sport Coaching
Entertainment Industry – Stage 6 (from 2022)
The Entertainment Industry course is designed to reflect the role of individuals who work in technical production areas, who perform a range of skilled tasks using discretion and judgement, and who have the ability to select, adapt and transfer skills to different situations.
This qualification is very flexible and designed to meet a broad range of industry needs. It includes a general option to reflect the need for multi-skilling plus specialised streams for specific job outcomes (e.g. for audio, lighting).
Possible job titles include:
Assistant lighting technician
Assistant prop maker
Assistant set builder
Assistant sound technician
Assistant venue technician
Assistant wardrobe technician
Booking clerk
Box office customer service representatives
Follow spot operator
Fly operator
Scenic art assistant
Students are also required to complete 70 hours of workplacement over years 11 and 12 to prepare them for employment.
At the successful completion of the course students will qualify for a Certificate III in Live Production and Services